For a while i doubted there would ever be an update to Warcraft 3 Reforged but today i am happy i was wrong. While it is not the patch that brings back all features it does bring back a few. Lets take a look.
Warcraft III Reforged Patch Notes
Version 1.33 August 10, 2022
Ranked Play
- Players may now choose between Ranked and Unranked Play on the Versus screen.
- Auto-matching via either mode will count towards wins for Portrait unlocks.
- Seasons are now defined.
- When a Season ends, the ladder will reset, and players can see their history via their Profile and the Leaderboards.
- Player MMR is reset with the beginning of each season.
- Players have separate MMR for each race, including Random.
- Players must play 5 placement matches per race to be placed each Season.
- After playing a Ranked Match, players will be shown MMR gained and rankings.
- Ranks are:
- Unranked
- Combatant
- Challenger
- Rival
- Duelist
- Elite
- Gladiator
- Champion
In-Game Stats
- Added “!Stats” functionality.
- !Stats displays the Win/Loss record and MMR information for players in the current match.
- If a player leaves the match, their stats will no longer be retrievable by the “!stats” command.
- Typing “!Stats + Username” will display the Battletag, W/L, and MMR for that player.
- Typing “!Stats” will display your own Battletag, W/L, and MMR.
- A partial name will provide stats for the closest matching name.
- Players can now view their rank among others via the Leaderboard, accessible from the Versus screen.
- Preset filters allow you to sort between race, friends, and mode.
Player Profiles
- Players profiles are accessed by right-clicking on the player icon on the bottom right corner of the screen.
- Other players’ profiles may be viewed by right-clicking on the player’s name and selecting “View Profile”.
- Player profiles display the player’s current rank is for each race, lifetime stats, and match history.
Classic Portraits
- Added a collection of Classic Versus portraits.
- Portraits are unlocked via reaching certain total lifetime wins.
- These criteria match original Warcraft III.
Custom Games
- Custom Games are now global and can be filtered by ping from all regions.
- Adding a computer player or closing a slot in the custom game lobby will no longer increase the player count in the custom game list.
Reforged Campaign
- Various tuning and balance adjustments have been made to multiple campaign maps.
Game Servers
- A proxy game server in Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. has been added.
PopcornFX Update
- The Warcraft III Reforged version of PopcornFX has been upgraded to version
- Custom mapmakers with custom FX baked on an older version must rebake their assets to the current version.
- Added an error message in the editor for users who have outdated custom FX.
Zoom Feature
- Added additional Camera Zoom functionality to support mouse wheel zooming.
- Camera Zoom is disabled by default and may be enabled via the options menu in the gameplay section.
- Zoom may also be adjusted using the Page Up and Page Down keys.
- Default zoom and maximum zoom can now be set via a slider option.
- Games will always begin in your default zoom.
- Press F5 to snap your camera back to your defined default zoom.
- Maximum zoom allows you to limit the farthest your camera can zoom out using the mouse wheel.
- Maximum zoom cannot be less than the default zoom.
Additional User Interface Updates
- Menu buttons may now be activated via hotkeys.
- The main user interface has been optimized to be more responsive.
- Windows 10 common controls are enabled for the World Editor.
- Updated the GPU renderer to improve performance, with a slight change to the appearance of the font. To enable the old font rendering, run the command “-legacykerning”.
- Fixed an causing FileAliases.JSON to have incorrect file paths for some textures.
- The Mountain King avatar ability now says “For Khaz Modan!” (was “Khaz Modan!”).
- Made various animation collision changes on Reforged assets to match their original SD counterpart’s collision.
- Fixed a crash when using custom particle FX exported on an older version of Popcorn.
- Fixed an editor crash when opening the terrain pallet menu with custom terrains.
- Fixed a crash in the world editor when a user tries to open a map with an invalid object ID via double clicking.
- Fixed an issue with sorting the import list in the world editor.
- Fixed an issue where the game music was playing from the wrong playlist.
- Fixed an issue where voice lines of units did not play.
- Fixed an issue where in-game portrait animations would not play.
- Fixed an issue with the in-game menu displaying the Human UI for all races.
- Fixed a bug preventing the Insert key from rotating the camera as expected.
- Fixed a bug with the “=” function when using single-player cheats.