After a bit puzzling with the design and the content of the front page and keeping the rest up to date i finally completed the new Frontpage Update!
Frontpage Update
While the frontpage was fine to read the news articles. It was not really showing tutorials and mods. This is now changed. At the top of the page we now have a few of the newest articles. Below that we now see the latest mods and Tutorials. This way people can see if i made a new tutorial and when i did it. Below that we have the old home page news items what remained the same.
Rebranding and Mods
I also updated the Nuanet logo a bit to keep up with the time. This will affect both the website and Youtube. New Youtube video’s will now also have more modern Thumbnails and Intro’s.
Mods and themes are now both called mods and have a page similar to the tutorial page.